Volume 9 Issue 6
Jun.  2024
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Article Contents
Jixue Shen, Bao Zhang, Changwang Hao, Xiao Li, Zhiming Xiao, Xinyou He, Xing Ou. Understanding the failure mechanism towards developing high-voltage single-crystal Ni-rich Co-free cathodes. Green Energy&Environment, 2024, 9(6): 1045-1057. doi: 10.1016/j.gee.2022.11.006
Citation: Jixue Shen, Bao Zhang, Changwang Hao, Xiao Li, Zhiming Xiao, Xinyou He, Xing Ou. Understanding the failure mechanism towards developing high-voltage single-crystal Ni-rich Co-free cathodes. Green Energy&Environment, 2024, 9(6): 1045-1057. doi: 10.1016/j.gee.2022.11.006

Understanding the failure mechanism towards developing high-voltage single-crystal Ni-rich Co-free cathodes

doi: 10.1016/j.gee.2022.11.006
  • Benefited from its high process feasibility and controllable costs, binary-metal layered structured LiNi0.8Mn0.2O2 (NM) can effectively alleviate the cobalt supply crisis under the surge of global electric vehicles (EVs) sales, which is considered as the most promising next-generation cathode material for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). However, the lack of deep understanding on the failure mechanism of NM has seriously hindered its application, especially under the harsh condition of high-voltage without sacrifices of reversible capacity. Herein, single-crystal LiNi0.8Mn0.2O2 is selected and compared with traditional LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 (NCM), mainly focusing on the failure mechanism of Co-free cathode and illuminating the significant effect of Co element on the Li/Ni antisite defect and dynamic characteristic. Specifically, the presence of high Li/Ni antisite defect in NM cathode easily results in the extremely dramatic H2/H3 phase transition, which exacerbates the distortion of the lattice, mechanical strain changes and exhibits poor electrochemical performance, especially under the high cutoff voltage. Furthermore, the reaction kinetic of NM is impaired due to the absence of Co element, especially at the single-crystal architecture. Whereas, the negative influence of Li/Ni antisite defect is controllable at low current densities, owing to the attenuated polarization. Notably, Co-free NM can exhibit better safety performance than that of NCM cathode. These findings are beneficial for understanding the fundamental reaction mechanism of single-crystal Ni-rich Co-free cathode materials, providing new insights and great encouragements to design and develop the next generation of LIBs with low-cost and high-safety performances.


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