Volume 8 Issue 1
Feb.  2023
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Kai-Lun Bi, Bao-Hua Xu, Wei-Lu Ding, Li-Jun Han, Lin Ji. Mechanism of CO2 reduction in carbonylation reaction promoted by ionic liquid additives: A computational and experimental study. Green Energy&Environment, 2023, 8(1): 296-307. doi: 10.1016/j.gee.2021.04.008
Citation: Kai-Lun Bi, Bao-Hua Xu, Wei-Lu Ding, Li-Jun Han, Lin Ji. Mechanism of CO2 reduction in carbonylation reaction promoted by ionic liquid additives: A computational and experimental study. Green Energy&Environment, 2023, 8(1): 296-307. doi: 10.1016/j.gee.2021.04.008

Mechanism of CO2 reduction in carbonylation reaction promoted by ionic liquid additives: A computational and experimental study

doi: 10.1016/j.gee.2021.04.008
  • The Ru-catalyzed carbonylation of alkenes with CO2 as a C1 surrogate and imidazole chlorides as the promotor is investigated by a combination of computational and experimental study. The conversion rate of CO2 to CO is positively correlated with the efficiency of both hydroesterification and hydroformylation, which is found facilitated in the presence of chloride additives with a decreasing order of BmimCl ~ B3MimCl > BmmimCl ~ LiCl. Taking the hydroesterification with MeOH as a representative example, BmimCl bearing C-H functionality at the C2 site of the cation assists the reduction of CO2 to CO as a hydrogen donor medium, with the anion and cation acting in a synergistic fashion. Subsequent insertion of CO2 into the formed Ru-H bond with the assistance of chloride anion produces the Ru-COOH species, which ultimately accelerates the activation of CO2.


  • • An in-depth understanding of the ligand-free Ru-catalyzed carbonylation of alkenes with CO2 as a C1 surrogate is accessed. • The conversion of CO2 is positively correlated with the efficiency of both hydroesterification and hydroformylation of alkenes. • The crucial role of imidazolium chlorides in CO2 reduction is elucidated, with the synergistic fashion of anion and cation.
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